So you are interested in computers and always growing technology (thats why you are here). I won't say you camed to perfect place and all blah blah.. Its you who will decide that.Now coming up to the topic the term 'hacker' you almost see every where on the internet is quite misleading sometimes some sites using it for crackers ( I will come to that) and sometimes your classmate claiming that he is an hacker after he illegally activated windows 8 or any hot game but belive me these things are easy to do just a google search and you get hundreds of ways to do that.But term hacker Actually carries a different meaning basically its "some one who can do something with things which are not ment to do that " or "someone so skillfull that he makes his own programs to do his tasks".So we see it is a very broad term.I Actually laugh some times when the person who don't know how to install drivers claims himself as a hacker just because he pirated some game.Most people think of hackers as evil pc geek stealling money or harming somebody for their own profit over internet.
But hacking can be good or bad it just depends on which path you choose.
Now coming up to how to become one.Becoming a hacker is not about reading a guide and practicing it for a day actually no body can learn hacking , you cant because there is no syllabus or course! It is a constant learning and evolving process.Here i tried to compile a list of what you need to to achive to become a professional hacker.
1.Getting the basics: Rather than directly jumping on to learning any programming language I suggest you to get familiar with Pc ( you maybe thinking " I am already familiar you idiot ") but by being familiar I mean to see how everything work, observe the things, whenever you come to a new term just search it on google, get a basic idea of technology behind web pages, Os ( operating system), some hardware knowledge and about extra equipments like modem, router, switches, etc (it will not be good for a person to know how to hack but don't know what to do if internet is not working).Also learn about programing languages and what to do with them but no need to start working with actuall coding.I also suggest getting a fast internet plan as slow internet leads to frustation and frustation leads to anger , which is not good for work which needs much patientce like hacking.With all this you are ready to go to next step.I suggest you now to bookmark this page or save somewhere to view later.
2.Know the language: You maybe and you should be having a litle knowledge about programming languages like c , c++ , java, python, anaconda ( oh not anaconda :p ), perl etc. But first I suggest you to forget about everything and learn python. Many people including me suggest python as first programming language to learn and it has reasons for that, it is easy to learn and will give you the required fell and understanding of programming.After it you can try your hands in c++ and java and perhaps visual basic. Just remember you should be best at least one programing language. Other languages of particular
importance to hackers includePerl and LISP . Perl is worthlearning for practical reasons;it's very widely used for activeweb pages and systemadministration, so that even ifyou never write Perl you shouldlearn to read it.LISP is worth learning for adifferent reason the profoundenlightenment experience youwill have when you finally getit. That experience will makeyou a better programmer forthe rest of your days, even ifyou never actually use LISPitself a lot.
3.Geting into knew world : Most of you must have windows or mac but you should try other os mainly linux distribution which is known as ''hacker's Os''.Basically you can use windows but it is much tricky for hacking. Don't forget you can also install more than one Os( this is actually topic for next post).Try to understand how it works, read codes, modify codes perhaps make your own programs for linux.And don't forget you can get help on anything about linux in web or ask here in comments.
Use different softwares and tools, just try to get out of your comfort zone, try to have little understanding of almost every thing.
4.Make a better web than spider: Learn web designing languages like html and at least on server side scripting language like php then you can expand your knowledge.I suggest to build a web site or a blog where you can teach or help others with your knowledge.Languages like javascript( don't get confused between java and javascript, both are different ) will help you to make some html based programs. A hacker should know everything.
5.What's outside the window: A hacker should be aware of latest things going around himself.No body likes to be outdated.Imagine you trying to solve a problem, spend many many time and when you finally do I it you see that somebody had already done it many times ago.Although at start its good to reinvent things but after some good powr try to create something unique of your own.
6.Don't get frustated!! :D
All this was not a guide to be a ninja hacker in a day but a general guide to Actually what to do and how to start. For any question or suggestion post it under comment section here.Hope this was helpfull. :)

But hacking can be good or bad it just depends on which path you choose.
Now coming up to how to become one.Becoming a hacker is not about reading a guide and practicing it for a day actually no body can learn hacking , you cant because there is no syllabus or course! It is a constant learning and evolving process.Here i tried to compile a list of what you need to to achive to become a professional hacker.
1.Getting the basics: Rather than directly jumping on to learning any programming language I suggest you to get familiar with Pc ( you maybe thinking " I am already familiar you idiot ") but by being familiar I mean to see how everything work, observe the things, whenever you come to a new term just search it on google, get a basic idea of technology behind web pages, Os ( operating system), some hardware knowledge and about extra equipments like modem, router, switches, etc (it will not be good for a person to know how to hack but don't know what to do if internet is not working).Also learn about programing languages and what to do with them but no need to start working with actuall coding.I also suggest getting a fast internet plan as slow internet leads to frustation and frustation leads to anger , which is not good for work which needs much patientce like hacking.With all this you are ready to go to next step.I suggest you now to bookmark this page or save somewhere to view later.
2.Know the language: You maybe and you should be having a litle knowledge about programming languages like c , c++ , java, python, anaconda ( oh not anaconda :p ), perl etc. But first I suggest you to forget about everything and learn python. Many people including me suggest python as first programming language to learn and it has reasons for that, it is easy to learn and will give you the required fell and understanding of programming.After it you can try your hands in c++ and java and perhaps visual basic. Just remember you should be best at least one programing language. Other languages of particular
importance to hackers includePerl and LISP . Perl is worthlearning for practical reasons;it's very widely used for activeweb pages and systemadministration, so that even ifyou never write Perl you shouldlearn to read it.LISP is worth learning for adifferent reason the profoundenlightenment experience youwill have when you finally getit. That experience will makeyou a better programmer forthe rest of your days, even ifyou never actually use LISPitself a lot.
3.Geting into knew world : Most of you must have windows or mac but you should try other os mainly linux distribution which is known as ''hacker's Os''.Basically you can use windows but it is much tricky for hacking. Don't forget you can also install more than one Os( this is actually topic for next post).Try to understand how it works, read codes, modify codes perhaps make your own programs for linux.And don't forget you can get help on anything about linux in web or ask here in comments.
Use different softwares and tools, just try to get out of your comfort zone, try to have little understanding of almost every thing.
4.Make a better web than spider: Learn web designing languages like html and at least on server side scripting language like php then you can expand your knowledge.I suggest to build a web site or a blog where you can teach or help others with your knowledge.Languages like javascript( don't get confused between java and javascript, both are different ) will help you to make some html based programs. A hacker should know everything.
5.What's outside the window: A hacker should be aware of latest things going around himself.No body likes to be outdated.Imagine you trying to solve a problem, spend many many time and when you finally do I it you see that somebody had already done it many times ago.Although at start its good to reinvent things but after some good powr try to create something unique of your own.
6.Don't get frustated!! :D
All this was not a guide to be a ninja hacker in a day but a general guide to Actually what to do and how to start. For any question or suggestion post it under comment section here.Hope this was helpfull. :)

just a waste thing. If one can become a hacker only by reading this then the whole world should be a hacker now. Why u don't have become a hacker and u r wasting time in updating these posts.
ReplyDeleteaccording to me u should try
and try to honour ur classmates whose name starts with "S"..
@ Mr sahib, after going through your comment I am sure you haven't read this as I already stated these are general guide lines, nobody can become a hacker buy reading any guide, it needs skill, time, efficiency, and spirit to go on. Ive also visited your site and first word that came into my mind was "amature" , work hard dude!! .For guys like you the next article will be about how to make a good site and how to expand and promote it . :)
ReplyDeleteI think that u r beaten by ur mom at ur home that's why u gonna crazy.
ReplyDeletewell best of luck for ur site and ur exams + don't take science as ur stream..
kishore ke kaarname!! but TITLE at top has a font & Colour of John Cena's New TShirt
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